• COIN BCM audit

BCM Audit

Where a professional approach is required to Business Continuity Management (BCM), it is recommended that your Business Continuity Plan (BCP) be checked by an external party for any shortcomings and for practical usability: this is the BCM audit. COIN is better placed than anyone to perform a BCM audit.

During the BCM audit the entire spectrum of BCM measures is reviewed, from the BCP through to recovery solutions and telephone accessibility.COIN plays an active role in the structuring of the audit:

  • Collaborating in creating a realistic test scenario
  • Focusing on your relevant business (processes)
  • Positive motivation for participants
  • Building-in various evaluation points
  • Analysing strengths and weaknesses on completion.

COIN also performs audits on existing business continuity scenarios. In this case a COIN consultant sits in on a business continuity test as an independent auditor and assesses the way in which the crisis management team perform their tasks, whether the business continuity services work correctly, and the communication between the various teams and team members. COIN submits a report with concrete points for action.

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